Engraver-Tom Paul Schneider 520-824-2010

Tom Paul Schneider © 2007 

~Established 1977~

The Original Portable Range Roper is just the right combination of expert teaching tool.
extremely portable, and at an affordable price.

Priced at $149.95 each with the shipping added makes the Portable Range Roper easily within
budget. The metal legs simply fold inside the base and can be thrown behind the seat of your pickup truck or the trunk of your car.

As a perfect ranch roping calf size the Portable Range Roper is all galvanized metal, with a indestructible plastic head.  All American made and can stay outside indefinitely.

Each Portable Range Roper has a silver name plate which is signed, numbered and dated.  It has three metal targets on each side and top to help aim your loops exactly for the perfect catch.

The Portable Range Roper makes learning to be an outstanding ranch roper enjoyable,  practical and is well made.

The Portable Range Roper is used for roping practice at Bob King's Cowboy School

Call e-mail or write to purchase the Original Portable Range Roper.

Original Portable Range Roper